Thursday, March 26, 2009

Private label gains in Spain

Private label is attracting more shoppers in Spain. TNS Worldpanel consulting firm reports that retailer brands have increased their share by nearly 3 percentage points compared to 2007, reaching 32.5% of total expenditure on packaged food & beverages & drug store products (in 2007 it had a share of 29.9%). The food sector ended the year with a positive balance, while others, such as drug store products, perfumes and textiles suffered slight losses in the volume purchased.

This study, based on weekly purchases of 8,000 households living in Spain, shows that they spent 4,470 euros per year on “mass consumer products” (which include fresh food, packaged food, beverages, laundry and home cleaning products, and hygiene products and cosmetics). Almost half of this expenditure was for fresh produce (48%), while 4 out of 10 euros went to packaged food and beverages, 8% to perfume products and 4% drug store products.

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