Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ways to Balance Oily Skin

Do you envy those friends who seem to have perfectly balanced skin? While your face is shiny after just a few hours, theirs seem to be picture perfect. If you face the challenges of oily skin, don’t worry. The good news is there are easy ways to balance it. And the better news is that down the road, your oily skin will actually keep your complexion from showing signs of age.

Causes of Oily Skin

What causes oily skin? Underneath the surface there are sebaceous glands which secrete an oily substance called sebum. Most people inherit their oily skin. But before you go blaming mom and dad for your skin problems, keep in mind that there are other factors that contribute as well. What you eat has a startling influence on how you look, and more importantly, how you feel. If your diet contains a lot of fried foods, expect to have the results of poor eating show up in your complexion. Another vital contributor to oily skin is cleanliness. Poor hygiene can create havoc on your complexion. Hormonal imbalances also play an important role.

Determine the Causes – Choose the Solution

Once you have determined the root cause of your oily skin you are on the way to solving the problem. Obviously you can’t change your heredity, but you can take steps to keep your skin balanced.

Keep Your Skin Clean

Make sure that you gently wash your face at least three times a day. Vigorous rubbing can actually harm your skin so go easy on yourself. Use soap designed for oily skin. Follow with an astringent lotion, which will remove excess oils and impurities that your cleansing might have missed. If you have trouble with acne you can help prevent breakouts by using products especially designed for your skin type. Trying to cover up your problems with heavy foundations and cover-ups can actually cause more problems.

Eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Instead of that greasy hamburger platter, choose the salad. Get into the habit of healthy eating. If you’re not getting your recommended eight glasses of water in each day, start incorporating more water into your diet instead of that sugary soda.

A final note – Make sure you get plenty of exercise. One of the benefits of exercise is that it increases circulation. This will help provide oxygen to skin cells. Also the pores of your skin will be cleansed as you perspire.

No need to envy those friends any more. You can have wonderful looking skin, even if it is oily!

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